scare crow

Amy WAS walking through the forst with her brother john but it was not any normal forest with every step that they would take the forest would move but not like the trees. the froest were making dead ends behind them they were shocked. “JOHN were in a moving maze were never going to get out, I told you we should of left a trail behind us” amy said madly! AHHHHHHH they both screemed they sudenly relised that they were not alone they was an ugly old scare crow standing beside them. but once they relised that there was a scarecrow that ment they were on a farm at last they can calm down.

Among us

You can trust me I promise said the yellow among us character, sure said orange “stab stab” bye bye. Dead body report orange called it… OMG who killed yellow you basted he was my friend, orange said. Orange you liar I was with yellow and you so I left you alone next thing I know he’s dead. And the orange one spoke fist so he’s so SuS who’s with me on this vote. Said blue. Me said purple, pink and cyan. If not me you vote blue ok. Ok deal said every one. Bye bye ORANGE WAS IN IMPOSTER… yay I was right

Football game.

Ive got 3 tickets to see your dad play football do you kids Wanna come with me. Whooooo go dad tweet tweet. Sis why did daddy get the red card. “I don’t know he never kicked that person maybe they though he did”. Cover your eyes quick why sis he’s trying to kick that person that gave him the red card. Can I please watch this awwww that was frightening why did he do that. I think he’s just mad because he tried to kick his big brown ball but missed but don’t worry. What about I get you a balloon on the way out of here.